Its all nuts to me

Its all nuts to me
Finest Fistiki !!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Don't you just love Wikipedia !!**!!

I have been using Wikipedia for a few years and think
that it is a very good first port of call to find out something
very quickly ,with pretty good bibliography and links that
lead to some pretty good websites it has never disapointed
me. How many of you out there ,know that J.R.R Tolkein
was born in South Africa, well folks you do now, thanks to
the great wiki, so to any Wikipedia Snobs out there,
i rest my case and end this blog in a real stylish fashion
with " I LOVE WIKI" Ra. Ra, Ra!!!**!!


  1. Haha like it, certainly more colourful than my post :)

  2. As requested, I'm catching up with your blog :)

    I didn't know that about JRR Tolkien, so there you go, that's my fact of Friday afternoon.

  3. Wiki- i- ay :)
    Also, I *knew* that.
